Let us help you get back on your feet

Prostheses – An artificial device to replace or augment a missing or impaired part of the body.

Atlantic Prosthetics and Orthotics provides prostheses that utilize the latest and greatest technologies in materials and components which include 3d printed devices. Having said that, our experienced staff will utilize tried and true methods when necessary to ensure that you receive a device that works for you.

Learn more about the prosthetic process.

Tailor-Made Prosthetic Socket
The prosthetic socket that fits your amputated limb is custom made by our experienced staff. Our established amputee clinics, and our full service labs ensure exceptional accuracy and quality. This results in a superior fit, efficiency, and enhanced comfort for you. Our goal is to give you the tools and care that you need to get back on your feet.

Specialized Care
Our team will evaluate and discuss prosthetic options with you and we are always available to answer any questions you or a support person may have. To give you the best chance of success, we will pair the appropriate foot or knee available based on your activity level and particular needs. Patients have the option to see a physical therapist for evaluation during clinic to support the necessity of a particular foot or knee. This ensures that you receive a device that matches your potential and also helps support the necessity for funding from your insurance provider. Once you are fit with your new prosthesis, we will coordinate Physical Therapy Training with your prosthetist present to ensure that you get the most out of your prosthesis.

Prepare to be Wowed
We are confident you will appreciate the difference in patient care and the fit of your prosthesis when you join the Atlantic and Prosthetic Family. Please contact us today to schedule your appointment.